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PhD Students Receive Awards at the Association for Pacific Coast Geographers at the Annual APCG 2024 Conference

PhD Candidate Marisa Raya and PhD Student Chevon Holmes received multiple awards at the APCG 2024 conference held at Cal Poly Humboldt in October.  

Marisa received the Margaret Trussell Scholarship which honors the past President of Pacific Coast Geographers who broke into an all-male organization and established their Women's Network.  Marisa also won a Student Travel Award to attend the conference and the APCG Award for Best Poster - PhD level, for her ArcGIS StoryMap, Reparative Geographies of California. 

Justice-Lab celebrate the conclusion of their spring writing retreat at Quail Ridge

Jonathan London (CDGG and GGG) and some members of the Justice-Lab celebrate the conclusion of their spring writing retreat at Quail Ridge. The lab has bi-annual writing retreats mixing writing, team-building , game playing, sharing meals, and enjoying nature. Pictured here are: Coco Herda, Heather Lieb, Lupe Franco, Sadaf Sinambari, Megan Williams. Sudikshya Bhandari and Gaurav Thapa (on Zoom). 

GGG PhD Candidates Ryan Miller and Mitchell Snyder were recently interviewed by NPR's national desk about their experience researching wildfire recovery, which focuses primarily on the 2018 Camp Fire in Butte County, California.

GGG PhD Candidates Ryan Miller and Mitchell Snyder were recently interviewed by NPR's national desk about their experience researching wildfire recovery, which focuses primarily on the 2018 Camp Fire in Butte County, California.


PhD Students Receive Awards at the 2023 APCG Conference

PhD student, Chevon Holmes, received two awards at the APCG conference in October. The first award was the Students of African Descent and the second award was the Women's Network award.   Both awards are competitive travel grants to support students that present during the conference.  

PhD candidate, Mitchell Snyder, received the Tom McKnight and Joan Clemens award for Outstanding Graduate Paper for his paper titled: "The Missing Middle of Disaster Displacement: Migration, Place Attachment and Satisfaction following the 2018 Camp Fire."


PhD Alumna, Dr. Sasha Pesci, begins new career as an Assistant Professor at Hofstra University

Dr. Sasha Pesci recently started her new position as an Assistant Professor of Sustainability, focused on eco-agriculture and sustainable food systems at Hofstra University.

Also, the first chapter of her dissertation titled, "A digital divide in direct market farmers’ online sales and marketing: Early pandemic evidence from California." was just published in the Journal of Rural Studies. (link:
